Notes from the Tenement

The Tenement Museum tells the uniquely American stories of immigrants, migrants, and refugees in the ongoing creation of our nation.

From curious anecdotes and fun recipes to scholarly research and deep dives, get a behind-the-scenes look at special Museum content on our blog – curated by our historians and staff.

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Inaugural New York

Here at the Tenement Museum, we tell the stories of average people who made our country...

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Bread Givers and Becoming a Person

Editor’s Note: Meredith Heil is the Museum’s Tenement Talks & Culinary...

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Innovative Conservation at 97 Orchard

For some of our visitors, the restored apartments at 97 Orchard Street are the most...

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School-Group Connections

With a new year upon us, it’s a good time for reflection. And halfway through the school...

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Happy New Year!

Holidays and historic foods go hand in hand, and new year’s traditions are no...

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