Mohammed H. Badi
President, Global Network Services, American Express
Andrew S. Berkman
Counsel, Milstein Properties
Marco Carrión
Executive Director, El Puente
Margaret M. Chin
Professor of Sociology, Hunter College and The Graduate Center (CUNY)
Tom Dye
Managing Director and Partner, Boston Consulting Group
Bruce Geismar
Retired, Investment Banking
Christina M. Greer
Associate Professor of Political Science and American Studies, Fordham University
Gary E. Handel, FAIA
President, Handel Architects
Kenneth Horn
President and Founder, Alchemy Properties
Nicole Howe Buggs
Chief Administration Officer and Corporate Secretary, Carnegie Corporation
Billy Hult
Chief Executive Officer, Tradeweb Markets
Peter Levin
Senior Counsel, Davis Polk
Helene Liss
Managing Director, Moody's Corporation
Sabina Menschel
Partner, President & COO, Nardello and Co.
Michele Mirman
Senior Partner, Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C
Cindy Moelis
President, Pritzker Traubert Foundation
Stuart Nachmias
President and CEO, ConEdison Transmission, Inc.
Dan Nardello
Chairman & CEO, Nardello & Co.
James Newlands
Managing Director, Ernst & Young LLP
Mae Ngai
Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History, Columbia University
Sandra Panem
President, NeuroNetworks Fund
Eleanor Pelta
Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
Harvey M. Ross
Executive Director-Investments, Oppenheimer and Company
Michael Smith
Head of Industry, Apps, Google
Amy Starck
Retired Partner, Deloitte Management Consulting
Jill Totenberg
President, The Totenberg Group
Evan Wagowski
Partner, Greenberg, Trager & Herbst, LLP.
Christopher P. Willcox
President & CEO, Nomura Securities International, Inc.
Alice F. Yurke
Partner, Dentons US LLP
Merryl Snow Zegar
Executive Director, Zegar Family Foundation
Ruth Abram
Suzette Brooks Masters
Mark Costello
Susan Gray
Anita Jacobson
Richard Kane
Paul J. Massey Jr.
Bruce Menin
Judith Messina
Scott Metzner
Louis Miu
Ray O’Keefe
Michael Reynolds
Paul L. Schulman
Tatiana Segal
Stephen B. Siegel
Morris Vogel
Alan G. Weiler
John Wolf
Honorary Trustees
Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand
Senator Charles E. Schumer
Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine
NYC Council Member Christopher Marte