Tenement Museum Adds African American Experience To Its Stories Of Immigration
One of the grandest stories in American history–immigration–becomes even grander when the Tenement Museum adds an African American experience for the first time to its presentation of immigrant family stories from China, Eastern Europe, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Puerto Rico, and Russia. Beginning December 26, 2023, visitors to the museum on Manhattan’s Lower East Side will have the opportunity to “meet” Joseph and Rachel Moore, a Black family who lived in a rear tenement in modern-day SoHo.
Joseph and Rachel Moore lived in New York in the 1850s and 1860s. Both were migrants, but not of the international variety the museum’s displays have previously focused on. Joseph came from rural New Jersey as a 20-year-old in 1957; Rachel from rural Upstate New York. New Jersey might as well have been another country at the time. When Joseph left, slavery was still legal there in specific instances….
Read the rest of the article on Forbes and reserve tickets now for A Union of Hope: 1869 — launching December 26th!