Amidst wars, depressions, and changing laws, family businesses served as the anchors of the community, but they had their costs. This tour spans the 75-year-old residential history of 97 Orchard, taking you to the 1870s century lager beer saloon and home of John and Caroline Schneider and the 1930s auction house of Max Marcus.
Start with a visit to Schneider’s Saloon, which served food, beer, and entertainment, but also acted as a living room for German immigrants and families to socialize and a meeting place for local clubs and political organizations. You will also visit the Schneider’s bedroom at the back of the saloon. As they moved into 97 Orchard in 1864, it is the oldest apartment featured at the Tenement Museum. Then, you’ll travel forward in time to the Great Depression, where you’ll learn how Max Marcus made a living in an interactive multimedia exhibit in the space that once held his auction house.