
Virtual Tenement Tour

Special Virtual Tour: Reclaiming Black Spaces


When: Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 6:30PM - 7:30PM ET

Event Location: Zoom

Cost: Free; Suggested Donation

In honor of Black History Month, we’re highlighting stories of how Black and African Americans shaped Lower Manhattan as they made homes, businesses, and communities in this special virtual tour adapted from our popular Reclaiming Black Spaces program on February 27.

Who and where were the communities that drew Black New Yorkers to Lower Manhattan, and how were their experiences shaped by migration? How did those communities create a sense of home, and how did they resist the racism they faced?

From the story of Sebastian de Britto, one of the first Black residents of the area in the 1640s, to Studio We, a musician’s collective in the 1970s, we’ll look at windows into the past that expand the history of today’s Lower East Side.

This event has passed.

This program is generously supported by Con Edison.


We love getting questions! Join in on the Q&A session with our Museum educators.

Members, email us your questions before the program and we’ll queue them up first!

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